
  • I received my product. Can I return it or get a refund?

    [Physical Goods]

    Due to the characteristics of order-made products, exchange/return/refund due to a simple change of mind is not available.

    However, if the received product is defective, you can get an exchange/return/refund according to the legislation regarding consumer protection in E-commerce. Please contact the Customer Center (1566-5496) or 1:1 Inquiry. Attach more than two photographs that show the defective part(s) well when you inquire, and we will help you as soon as possible.

    You cannot get an exchange for another product that you did not order.
    Please check further information about exchange and return in the Return/Exchange section under MarppleShop FAQ.

    You cannot exchange/return products for deformation or print damage due to inattentive washing. Please comply with the washing instructions.
    The more you are careful about washing, the longer and prettier you can enjoy your product.

    • Separate hand-washing recommended.
    • When using the washing machine, use a wash bag and neutral detergent/wool shampoo in cold water.
    • Refrain from using the dryer as products could be damaged at a high temperature
    • When using the iron, put a thin fabric on the printed side and iron the product (direct use of iron on the printed side can damage the product).
    • To prevent print damages, wash with inner and outer sides flipped.
    • When using detergent containing bleach or chlorine, the product may be bleached or deformed.
    • Wash bright colors with bright colors and dark colors with dark colors.
  • I got a defective product. I want to get it exchanged or returned(refunded).

    You can get your product exchanged/returned/refunded if you received a product that you did not order or a product that has defects.

    • When you receive a different product or a product that has different information
    • When the product is misdelivered
    • When the product has defects or malfunctions

    If your product is defective, attach more than two photographs that show the defective part(s) well and contact us via 1:1 Inquiry or email([email protected]) so that we can check the issue as soon as possible.
    However, there are cases where we can only provide clear instructions by picking up the product and checking the defectiveness ourselves. When the request for return is placed, a courier will visit the place of address. Enclose a memo of your name, contact information, and reason(s) for return/exchange during pickup.
    When returning the product via courier other than the one used by MarppleShop, it may be difficult to track your return.You cannot get an exchange for another product that you did not order. 

  • How much does it cost for a return?

    There is no cost for misdelivery, damage, or product defects.
    MarppleShop will cover all the expenses.

  • Can I return the product myself via courier?

    When returning the product via courier other than the one used by MarppleShop, it may be difficult to track your return. 
    In such cases, there may be a delay or suspension of the refund process.
    Please comply with the refund instructions and wait until the courier visits you.
    Contact the Customer Center if your product has not been taken back.

  • Instructions on subscription withdrawal requirements

    Due to the characteristics of order-made products, exchange/return/refund due to a simple change of mind is not available.
    If damaged, worn, washed, contaminated, or used/worn despite defects, you cannot exchange/return the product.
    Subscription Withdrawal Restrictions (Article 17, Paragraph 2, No. 6 and Article 21 of the Enforcement Decree of the Same Act)

    • When subscription withdrawal regarding goods produced individually according to customer orders or similar goods is approved
    • When a significant, irreparable harm to mail-order business is predicted
    • When notification about the transaction has been given in advance and written agreements (electronic documents included) by consumers have been received
    • When the value of the product has been substantially depreciated by time to the extent that resale seems infeasible

    Contacts for customer’s compensation for loss & product inquiry
    Marpple Customer Center: 1566-5496
    A/S & Consumer Consulting Center: 0502-707-8888

  • Instructions on quality assurance standards

    This product was produced through a strict quality/process control and passed appearance, standard, property examinations.

    To extend the lifespan of the product, please check the precautions and washing instructions attached.
    Contact the Customer Center if there is any abnormality.

    Products damaged due to customer negligence or those past the warranty period are not eligible for compensation for the loss. 
    If you wish to exchange or return the product, please register your request within 7 days of receipt.