Product Info

Victory Black Tiger Golf Ball

2022 is the year of the black tiger. A black tiger is engraved on a golf ball to block bad spirits every time the ball is hit, and we aspire to lead the round of golf and lead to victory. This is a great gift set for golf lovers.

Let's prepare a special ball with a Bestwishes that is different from others. It will be the best gift for parents and acquaintances who enjoy golf!! A precious moment just for us!! The best rounding with a wish for victory!!
Nice shot with the one and only premium golf ball that captures the victory of Black Tiger.!!
Let's try hole-in-one with this ball!!

Black Tiger ; 흑호 ; 黑虎 #001
(Get on in the world ; 출세하여 세상에 이름을 떨침 ; 出世する)

Korean's Pattern Description 한국문양 설명

Wave ; 물보라 ; 水滴、波
* human well-being, peace of mind & body | 안녕; 마음과 몸의 평화 | 心と体の安らぎ
* best wishes and prosperity | 풍어; 최고의 소원과 번영 | 最高の願いと繁栄

The splash signifies the double wave of holiness and community selfishness revealed in the ritual of offering human sacrifices to the sea for human well-being and plentiful catch. | 물보라는 인간의 안녕과 풍어를 위해 바다에 인간 제물을 바치는 제의에서 드러난 신성함과 공동체 이기주의의 이중적 파장을 의미한다. | 水玉とは、人間のさよならと豊かさのために海に人間の供え物を捧げる提案で表わされた神聖さと共同体利己主義の二重的な波長を意味する。

Black Tiger ; 흑호 ; 黑虎
*block misfortune and disease | 불행과 질병예방 | 不幸和疾病預防
*the fortune of starting your official career | 입신양명, 입신출세 | 立身揚名, 立身出世

2022 is the Year of the Black Tiger. In Chinese, it is called 黑虎 black tiger). The ancients believed that the black tiger had the power to ward off demons. Also, the tiger is an animal with strong leadership and tenacity. If you have the black tiger pattern from the Best Wishes collection, you will overcome bad energy and become an influential leader in your own growth and development. It is also a good gift for those who want to protect their health from viral diseases, wish for academic achievement and pass, and wish to win athletics.

2022년 임인년 검은 호랑이 해입니다. 한자로는 黑虎(흑호)라고 합니다. 옛사람들은 검은 호랑이가 마귀를 물리치는 힘을 가지고 있다고 생각했습니다. 또한 호랑이는 리더십이 강하고 집요한 성질이 있는 동물입니다. 베스트위시즈 컬렉션의 흑호를 문양을 가지고 있으면 좋지 않은 기운을 물리치고 자신의 성장과 발전을 이루어 사회의 영향력 있는 리더가 될 것입니다. 또한 바이러스 질병으로부터 건강을 지키고 학업성취, 합격을 소원하고, 취업을 염원하는 분들에게 선물로 좋습니다.


The Best Wishes NFT ART Collection is for bringing happiness, wealth, health, and love with Korea Traditional Pattern of ART. It's good for friends, family, a lover, or simply for yourself. They are designed to match a life situation so that you can send your best wishes to someone in need.

Best Wishes NFT ART 컬렉션은 한국 전통 문양 작품으로 행복, 부, 건강, 사랑을 가져다줍니다. 이것은 친구, 가족, 연인 또는 자신을 위한 것입니다. 도움이 필요한 사람에게 최고의 소원을 보낼 수 있도록 삶의 상황에 맞게 디자인 되었습니다.

COPYRIGHT (C) Best Wishes NFT Art Collection. All Rights reserved

Product Basic Info

This golf ball is good for cherishing and gift-giving.
Snell's MTB Black Gold Ball is the most cost effective choice to use.
Because it is so well balanced, beginners can use it, and it performs at a level comparable to that of the golf tour despite being reasonably priced.

  • Material: Cover - Urethane, Core - Rubber
  • Made in Korea"


  • 1 package (3 balls) is all printed with the same design.
    *  The number engraved on the balls with the brand logo will be sent randomly.
  • Hitting a golf ball may cause the printed surface to peel off.
  • If alcohol, acetone, or hand sanitizer (including a gel form) comes into direct contact with the ball, the printed area may become smudged or peeled off.
  • Please be aware that if you use too much force to clean the ball with a wet tissue, the printed area may smear or peel off and stains may still be visible.
  • It is quite durable, although prolonged exposure to high temperatures might cause deformation.

Precautions for Purchase

  • A purchase order made by a minor may be cancelled by the same minor or his/her guardian if his/her guardian has not consented to such purchase.
Size chart
Size (inch)MTB BLACK



All the goods are newly manufactured in custom order and delivered.
If you order now, the manufacturing process begins on 10/23, and the goods are to be shipped out before 10/30.

Shipping Method Standard Courier(DHL)
Delivery Area Nationwide
Delivery Timeframe After the product is shipped, it can be received within 1-3 business days. However, in the case of remote or mountainous areas or when the courier service has a high volume of shipments, it may take a little longer.

Exchange / Refund

All products delivered by MarppleShop are custom-made based on your order, so exchange/refund due to simple change of mind are not possible. However, if you receive a defective product or if there is a shipping error, you can contact our customer service within 7 days via email, Individual Inquiry, or through our customer center for exchange or refund.

Customer Service Center 1566-5496
Email [email protected]


MarppleShop operates a reporting center for creators, consumers, and copyright protection.
You can report products that violate internal MarppleShop regulations or are deemed to infringe on the copyrights or portrait rights of third-party works.



Victory Black Tiger Golf Ball

Snell MTB BLACK Golf Ball (3 Balls)


Total price
If you order now, the delivery will begin between 10/23 ~ 10/30!